Monday, August 19, 2013

Papanel's Budbod, Let us Support Filipino owned restaurant

I always find ways to enjoy my rest day since it helps me relax and to avoid too much stress. I am also a cheapskates somehow but not extreme. I make sure that everything I spend is worthy, with quality but not costly.

I always saw this restaurant on my way to work because it's near at Roval Bus terminal. Even outside, you'll see the beautiful wall painting and Filipino ambiance.

So a day after typhoon Maring came, since it's my rest day  and the sky is just cloudy but no rain and wind, I went to Papanel's Budbod to try the food.

 I'm the only customer because of the weather. It is cold so I need something warm and soupy. First, I tried Lomi. There are carrots, cabbage, noodles and egg in warm broth.

I want a rice meal so I decided to order shanghai rolls with rice served in a very Filipino style way. Traditionally, Filipino's use banana leaves and rattan plate in serving food for a native effect. 

These are simple dishes that you may order or buy in other restaurant, carinderia, food cart or street vendor. But considering the ambiance and effort in maintaining cleanliness at affordable price, I rather visit this place more often. To be honest, I did that because I step in again to the restaurant for the second time after a week to try other dishes. 

I tried chicken barbeque with atsara (pickled papaya and carrot) and free soup. It is served again in a rattan plate with banana leaves. As side dish, I ordered a plate of Pancit Canton. 

But I am saddened that there are only few people dining in the place. I hope that the restaurant's order delivery is good and earning well for them to recover the operation cost. I hope my fellow Filipino will support and promote this restaurant like what the wall painting shows above.

The above blog is not sponsored and money spent for food came from my pocket.

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